Every now and then there is something that comes to an end. For good. Then there are the things that pause, for some reason, and later resume, again for a good reason.
The latter is what is supposed to happen here.
Once golf was my focus, next to work. Then there was my wife, my first kid, and quite recently a new baby. This all shifts focus obviously, makes blurry what was clear in the past. And it all falls into a time period which is so unusual and unpredictable in my generation that one thinks twice what really matters in life. A global pandemic can indeed bring people closer together, create some clarity on what‘s important and what‘s just clutter.
Family will always be in focus, work will too and so is the health for the whole bunch. All the rest has to stand in line. And then there are these windows of time, of possibilities, of opportunities. Some are educational, some are cultural, many are leisure and some are sportive.
Long story short, I will try to make more room for golf again. I will deliver for my family, will continue my career and at the same time will strive for excellence in this beautiful sport. I know this demands time, an asset I might not have as much as before, but that only makes me more focussed, really pinpoints me on efficiency.
And it indeed closes a circle. „Golficiency is golf proficiency with German efficiency“, I wrote a decade ago. Now more than ever.
There will be more of this coming. So stay tuned.